Thinking Like a Bee:

Excelling at Pollinator Gardening Workshop
June 2, 2018  11 am - 2 pm

Oregon City Library, 606 John Adams St, Oregon City, OR 97045
Free, but pre-registration is required. A light lunch is provided.

Supporting pollinators is all the rage, but how do you do it? This workshop will help you get started. You’ll learn about pollinator forage and nesting needs, which plants are pollinator-friendly, using bee-safe strategies to manage pests, raising mason bees, and how to identify bees in your yard.

Never Doubt How a Small, Thoughtful and Committed Pollinator Garden Can Change the World!
Andony Melathopoulos, Oregon State University

AndonyAndony will teach you to identify 5 key bee species in your garden (and learn about their fascinating life histories) and apply 10 easy gardening tips to better support our diverse endowment of bees.

Assistant Professor Andony Melathopoulos leads Oregon efforts to design, implement and evaluate a state-wide pollinator health program. Andony hosts a delightful weekly podcast on pollinator health (PolliNation), and trains 1,500 pesticide applicators annually to reduce pesticide exposure to pollinating insects.

Don't Spray on Me! Sharon Selvaggio, Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides


Sharon will cover common garden pesticides toxic to bees and alternative pest management techniques for selected pests and common situations.

Sharon works at NCAP, a nonprofit dedicated to ecologically sound alternatives to pesticides, and leads NCAP’s Healthy Wildlife and Water Program. Sharon serves on EPA’s Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee, a federal advisory group. She regularly teaches about pollinators and pesticides, and is a collaborator with the City of Wilsonville on their Bee Stewards project.

Caring for Your Own Mason Bees John Edwards, Brushy Mountain Bee Farm


Learn how easy it can be to become a small-scale beekeeper with non-stinging mason bees. John will cover the A to Z of getting started with mason bees.

John Edwards has authored several field guides on beekeeping and keeps apiaries on the west and east side of the Cascades. John is part owner of Brushy Mountain Bee Farm, and is often found at the Wilsonville facility of Brushy Mountain Bee Farm (formerly Ruhl Bees). 

Plus - Local Neighborhood Pollinator Walk

We’ll complete the workshop with a 30-45 minute walk around the neighborhood, looking for examples of pollinator attractive plants, good design, and will identify pollinators as we walk.

Funding for this event provided by Oregon City Metro Enhancement Grant Program.
Additional support provided by:


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