Help protect a fragile ecosystem in the Pacific Northwest


Thank you for your interest in this petition, however, the comment period is now closed. You may read or sign, but no additional signatures will be sent to the Washington Department of Ecology at this time.

The Washington Department of Ecology is examining an application to allow an imidacloprid insecticide application to the waters of Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor. The use of imidacloprid is intended to control two native species of burrowing shrimp, ghost shrimp (Neotrypaea californiensis) and mud shrimp (Upogebia pugettensis), which are negatively affecting oyster farming.

Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) has been following this issue. We’ve researched scientific data on this pesticide and we have reviewed the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). We will soon submit a comment letter which raises serious concerns about the conclusions by the Department of Ecology and possible approval of the use of imidacloprid in a tidal area.

Petition Text:

"We, the undersigned, support efforts to protect this fragile ecosystem from a potentially dangerous pesticide application. This plan is understudied, inadequate and fails to protect community and environmental health!

We support timely efforts to expand promising alternatives to neonicotinoids and to increase their feasibility and effectiveness. Investments should be made in educational, technical, financial, policy, and market support to accelerate adoption of alternatives rather than continuing to rely on highly toxic pesticides. Research and demonstration are needed to determine and improve the most effective alternatives and their respective potential and feasibility for farms of different sizes, locations, shrimp population density, and access to equipment. The state should invest its resources in these efforts prior to and instead of allowing toxic contamination of state estuaries.

Department of Ecology must protect Washington’s water, wildlife, public health, and local economies from the harmful impacts of toxic pesticides. The future of oyster farming in Washington State depends on the industry’s ability to adopt sustainable cultural and management strategies."

150 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 135 reactions

  • Welty Vonda
    signed 2017-10-27 11:29:34 -0700
  • Annette Frahm
    signed 2017-10-27 10:32:16 -0700
  • Rachel Koller
    signed 2017-10-27 10:26:26 -0700
  • Katherine Schultz
    signed 2017-10-27 10:23:00 -0700
    Katherine Schultz
  • Shea Scribner
    signed 2017-10-27 09:59:32 -0700
  • Yvonne Davis
    signed 2017-10-27 09:57:55 -0700
  • Mandy Gregory
    signed 2017-10-27 08:44:53 -0700
  • Phyllis Chavez
    signed 2017-10-27 08:07:19 -0700
  • Marilyn Jackson
    signed 2017-10-27 07:51:27 -0700
    Please protect our land and water. Everything is connected. Marilyn Jackson
  • Gail Hare
    signed 2017-10-27 05:58:29 -0700
  • Jules Michel
    signed 2017-10-27 04:10:07 -0700
    Alternative growing methods exist which would allow oyster production to continue, albeit at a lower profit margin. One clear example was found in Drakes Estero where racks were used for decades before removal to create the marine wilderness now there.
  • Curtis Eivers
    signed 2017-10-27 03:47:13 -0700
  • Merlin Emrys
    signed 2017-10-27 01:51:32 -0700
  • C. K. Cunningham
    signed 2017-10-26 23:39:53 -0700
  • Russ Axelrod
    signed 2017-10-26 23:29:42 -0700
    In addition to the NCAP comments outlined, we are long time property owners on the Long Beach Peninsula and are very concerned about the proposed pesticide use in the absence of further analysis/diligence. I am also a licensed geologist and hydrogeologist in WA with more than 30 years experience in environmental cleanup and restoration. I urge Ecology not to move forward with this “experiment” in this sensitive aquatic setting.
  • Monique Kirby
    signed 2017-10-26 23:16:17 -0700
    Monique Kirby
  • Erin Perkins
    signed 2017-10-26 22:33:52 -0700
    This sounds like a bad idea due to all the life it will effect. Those chemicals will end up contaminating the food chain. Remember, pesticides come from the same chemical family as nerve gas and other chemical warfare. Please Do No Harm conduct thorough studies and seek out lots of public input before making decisions that could have irreversible consequences.
  • Caitlin Roberts
    signed 2017-10-26 22:21:25 -0700
  • Gwen Vernon
    signed 2017-10-26 22:19:32 -0700
  • Robert Buscaglia
    signed 2017-10-26 22:17:17 -0700
  • Jaclyn Hise
    signed 2017-10-26 22:02:08 -0700
  • Louis Harris
    signed 2017-10-26 21:44:44 -0700
  • caroline dieterle
    signed 2017-10-26 21:39:11 -0700
    It’s a crazed idea to spray that poison in the water. It will kill and/or sicken many more organisms besides your “target species”.
  • Lisa Yeeles
    signed 2017-10-26 21:35:41 -0700
  • Cristina McCutcheon
    signed 2017-10-26 21:30:35 -0700
    The potential for unintended, and irreversible, consequences is great. Please do not risk the long term health of this ecosystem for short term financial gain.
  • Janelle Hopper
    signed 2017-10-26 21:21:37 -0700
  • Susan Delles
    signed 2017-10-26 20:59:11 -0700
    Please do not introduce this deadly chemical into this ecosystem
  • Ande Kobek
    signed 2017-10-26 20:49:47 -0700
    The time is now to do what is right.
  • Brenda Gaines
    signed 2017-10-26 20:01:45 -0700
  • Gail Chism
    signed 2017-10-26 19:21:31 -0700