Sign Our Thank You Card


Update (September 5, 2019): The restriction is finalized! Thank you for your interest in signing the card, but we have closed signatures. All signatures and comments have been sent in a card to Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Seattle Takes Bold Steps to Restrict the Use of Glyphosate

NCAP is excited to share some inspiring news! The City of Seattle is reconsidering its classification of the chemical glyphosate, commonly found in Roundup, as a highly restricted product. It may soon only be used on City property under strict control and as a last resort.

We thank Seattle for taking bold steps to strengthen their commitment to public, environmental and employee health. As technical advisors of the City of Seattle’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Interdepartmental Team (IDT), NCAP is providing technical assistance during the decision process and is thrilled with the result. The administration will direct an update of the Integrated Pest Management program to review all pesticide products. They will use the reduced risk model to protect people and the environment.

Over the past decade, NCAP has partnered with cities on a number of projects, including guides for parks departments for non-herbicidal landscaping techniques and an online web portal for professionals. Staff joined Seattle's IPM IDT in 2017 in support of the process to update the City’s IPM program, which includes their list of approved pesticides for landscape use. Seattle is responding to new studies and concerns from the community related to glyphosate.

A Leader in Sustainability

Seattle has been a leader in sustainability issues and reducing pesticides. In 2015 after public organizing, they passed a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides on city property and have spent decades on meaningful pesticide reduction plans. Using IPM at Seattle Parks and Recreation has resulted in an estimated 80% drop in labor hours associated with pesticide applications since the 1980s and dramatically reduced pesticide use [1].

With a population of approximately 730,000, Seattle is joining other progressive cities around the country working to ensure their use of pesticides is kept to a minimum. Partnering with communities such as San Francisco and Portland, Seattle will continue to be part of a larger movement to support a healthy environment that is safe for wildlife, employees, and the public.

Spreading the Impact

Our hope is that other cities take the same steps to reduce exposure as well as schools, daycares and other pesticide users. The Seattle School District just announced a “halt” on glyphosate use. A statement from September announced on their website: “It has come to our attention that some district ground crews have used Roundup which contains glyphosate a potential carcinogenic. We have halted our use of this product. We will review grounds maintenance practices to ensure we follow policy and procedure.” [2] We will continue to monitor glyphosate use at Seattle public schools.

Further, we will continue to encourage stewardship among homeowners and renters. According to a 2014 report by Washington’s Department of Agriculture, more than half of surveyed residents in King County apply pesticides to their property, and glyphosate was the most common herbicide used [3]. We hope Seattle's action and awareness leads to better stewardship by all residents and that community members seek out alternatives to pesticides, especially where children live, learn and play.

Washington Department of Agriculture Study, 2014.

Sign our virtual card:

Thank You, Seattle, for showing bold leadership in restricting glyphosate use and your work to prioritize people over pesticides.

215 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 193 reactions

  • Jamie Ryan Lockman
    signed 2019-04-03 19:29:39 -0700
    Thanks for your leadership, Seattle!
  • Doris Olivers
    signed 2019-04-03 19:03:19 -0700
    Thanks for all the effort to make this a reality.
  • Donald and Barbara Kusler
    signed 2019-04-03 18:17:59 -0700
  • Patti Randles
    signed 2019-04-03 18:05:35 -0700
    I wish Oregon would do this, too.
  • Nancy Bishop-Harvey
    signed 2019-04-03 17:58:40 -0700
    So pleased that Monsantos (now under Johnson & Johnson) roundup is being taken seriously. For what the birds and bees as pollinators eat we also injest. Thank you Seattle
  • Celia Hawley
    signed 2019-04-03 17:07:50 -0700
    Thank you for this big step forward. Someday I hope Glyphosate will be entirely banned in our state, the rest of the USA, and globally.
  • Judyth Reichenberg
    signed via 2019-04-03 16:15:59 -0700
  • Mary Rollins
    signed 2019-04-03 16:07:36 -0700
    Please hurry.
  • Cheryl Bruner
    signed 2019-04-03 15:49:37 -0700
    Finally , hope it becomes a trend
  • Jennie Lindberg
    signed 2019-04-03 15:46:44 -0700
  • William Lider
    signed 2019-04-03 15:21:38 -0700
  • Sarah Kleeger
    signed 2019-04-03 14:50:07 -0700
  • Laura Wilson
    signed 2019-04-03 14:44:42 -0700
    Yay, Seattle!!
  • Janet Nolley
    signed 2019-04-03 14:36:06 -0700
    Janet G Nolley
  • Megan Dunn
    @MeganDunn_Snoco tweeted link to this page. 2019-04-03 14:27:18 -0700
  • Megan Dunn
    signed 2019-04-03 14:27:00 -0700
    Thank you for your commitment to a healthy environment! Thank you staff and crews for working so hard for Seattle!
  • Belita Cowan
    signed 2019-04-03 14:21:18 -0700
    Lymphoma Foundation of America is very proud of the leaders of Seattle for helping prevent cancer by restricting the use of glyphosate (RoundUp pesticide). Congratulations! Our lives depend on your wise public health policy.
  • Mary Brooks Tyler
    signed via 2019-04-03 14:11:36 -0700
    I am so grateful for your decision to take good care of all life.
  • Roberta Hinds
    signed 2019-04-03 14:05:32 -0700
  • Lya Badgley
    signed 2019-04-03 13:50:26 -0700
    Did you know that the city of Snohomish was one of the first towns in our region to have an IPM (integrated pest management) strategy which didn’t allow for glyphosate products in our parks or public land!

    Unfortunately, that document has gotten a bit ‘looser’ with time…but our town remains committed to the health of our residents!
  • jan nelson
    signed 2019-04-03 13:34:43 -0700
    pesticides are poison———-
  • Betsy Datri
    signed via 2019-04-03 12:49:49 -0700
  • Kristal Fisher
    signed 2019-04-03 12:48:38 -0700
  • Jane Germani
    signed 2019-04-03 12:36:47 -0700
    We need to have this country/world wide so let’s spread the word about your action!

    A sincere thanks for that action!
  • Daniell Walters
    signed 2019-04-03 12:30:57 -0700
    Thank you for this common sense action.

    I belong to NCAP and to the Organic Consumer Association because they work at reducing the exposure of people and the rest of the natural world to these very, almost unbelievably, harmful agents. In addition to Round Up, please consider banning neonicotinoids — the use of which is the real reason honey and other bee populations are plummeting. And then there’s Chlorpyrifos, which is bad news for human children, salmon, orcas and more.

    Again, many thanks and THUNDEROUS appluase!

    Dan Walters/Boise connected to you by the Snake and Columbia River Systems and the Sound
  • Laurie Enger
    signed 2019-04-03 12:28:49 -0700
    I hope you will ban other neurotoxin like Chlorpyrifos. (Dursban brand and others, these are also endocrine disrupting chemicals linked to miscarriage and Parkinson’s.

    Thank you for taking this first step with Round up!

    Laurie Enger
  • Sandra Joos
    signed 2019-04-03 12:11:01 -0700
  • Roger and Cathy Fantz
    signed 2019-04-03 11:59:04 -0700
    You are setting a wonderful example that we hope others will follow. As owners of a totally organic 40-acre farm, we applaud you, Seattle!
  • Dianne Ensign
    signed 2019-04-03 11:45:30 -0700
    Thank you for your leadership on this important issue. As a person who suffers from chemical sensitivities, I hope many more cities follow your good example. I don’t use any pesticides in my home or yard, but obviously can’t control neighbors, workplace, public spaces, or roadsides, all of which are still using Roundup, and other toxic products, extensively in my area. Thank you again!
  • Jj L.
    signed 2019-04-03 11:43:38 -0700
    So much respect for this decision, please get rid of all pesticides! Weeds are so much safer for children, people and pets than poisons!!