New Resources for Growers and Landscapers

To protect our region's natural wonders and the health of the people and animals that depend on them, we need more Northwest residents, growers and business professionals to understand that the decisions we make to safeguard our communities from the effects of toxic pesticides really do matter.

If you use pesticides at home or at work, learning as much as you can about the effects of pesticides and least-toxic alternatives can help you to advocate for healthier conditions. 
Featured Resource! Pesticide Impacts to Aquatic Ecosystems  | (Spanish version) 

Did you know that pesticides take multiple routes to end up in our waterways and can affect salmon? To better understand the impacts of pesticides on aquatic ecosystems, check out this guide (links above).

Pesticide pathways showing how pesticides reach rivers

Click below to access several other new guides from NCAP: 
  • Glyphosate & Alternative Weed Management | (Spanish version): The pesticide industry has claimed that glyphosate does not cause harm to humans, but this is being challenged by new research and ongoing legal cases. This guide is a comprehensive review of recent studies on the harmful impacts of glyphosate, and describes alternative weed management strategies and least-toxic herbicides that can be used instead of glyphosate. 

  • Managing Common Bindweeds: Field and hedge bindweed are prolific at producing seeds, the seeds can survive for over 50 years and the plants have impressive root systems. This guide explains how to identify bindweed, how it spreads, and several methods to remove bindweed without using pesticides.

  • Azalea Lace Bug Management: This pest is a major concern in the nursery industry because of the aesthetic damage it causes to plant foliage. The guide teaches how to identify, detect, prevent and sustainably remove azalea lace bugs.

  • Flatweed: Flatweed is a weed in lawns, pastures and waste areas due to its ability to spread aggressively and its preference for sandy, loamy or clay soils. This guide provides background, identification, reproduction and control techniques for flatweed in a landscape setting.

  • Root Weevil Management: Root weevils cause substantial economic losses and aesthetic damage of flowering shrubs and food plants. This guide was created so that those in the Northwest can learn how to deal with root weevils using methods that are free of pesticides.

  • Tenant Guide to Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Learn how pest control can be safely managed in and around your rental home and how to influence future pest management decisions.
And watch our latest short videos:

Pesticide Risks to People & the Environment- Spanish version

Protect Yourself from the Harms of Pesticides- Spanish version

Funds for the creation of these resources were generously provided by King County Waterworks, Spirit Mountain Community Fund, Bullitt Foundation, EPA Environmental Justice Program and Horizon's Foundation.