Idaho Law Allows Landowners to Opt Out of Mosquito Spraying
A law passed by the Idaho legislature in 2007 allows people to submit their own mosquito control plans, in order to opt out of their local abatement spraying program. The statute language is found in:
Idaho Statutes, Title 39 Health and Safety, Chapter 28 Abatement Districts, 39-2804. Powers and Duties of Abatement Districts
The opt out is described in Item 10, quoted here:
"(10) To approve a written mosquito or other vermin management plan submitted by a landowner requesting that their property be excluded from treatment by the abatement district. Such plan must be specific to the landowner's property, provide adequate control measures, and be implemented by the landowner. The abatement district shall refrain from treatment of property included in the approved plan, but shall maintain monitoring and surveillance activities. If the landowner fails to follow the plan or does not provide adequate control measures, the abatement district may abate the mosquitoes or other vermin."
NCAP worked with the Ada County Mosquito Abatement District to develop three sample control plans: 1) average urban yard; 2) small acreage; and 3) organic farm/garden. Use these sample plans as a guideline for developing your own mosquito monitoring and control plan. Then submit the plan to your local mosquito abatement district. If you do not live in an area with an established mosquito abatement district, submit your plan to the county commissioners. Idaho's opt-out law and Ada County's application and sample mosquito control plans can serve as a model for other communities that face West Nile virus spraying.
NCAP Sample Plans:
Average Backyard Small Acreage Organic Farm/Garden
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