Our Values & Commitment to Equity


Core Values

Justice: Recognize and Remove Barriers for Structural Change

  • Effective pest management requires an ecological approach that looks at the whole system and root causes, not only the symptoms.
  • The government has a responsibility to develop and enforce policies that protect the health and safety of people and the environment. It is our responsibility to hold the government accountable.
  • Dismantling injustices in our environment and working to overcome them by considering who stands to lose and who benefits in all environmental decisions and actions is crucial to achieving a just transition. 
  • When it comes to the health of people and the planet, no corporate entity is above the law.

Equity: All Can Thrive

  • Pesticide regulation is flawed and does not address the needs of populations being exposed to higher doses and more frequently exposed. Protect the most sensitive and we are all better protected.
  • Effective policies and equitable access to resources and education will lead to better choices for our community. 
  • As inequitable internal practices and procedures are identified, new policies are developed.
  • Culturally responsive tools and resources must be accessible for all communities.
  • Building equity into the overall organizational structure ensures that as leadership changes, equity remains a priority. 

Inclusion: Differences are Seen as Assets

  • Lasting change is possible when those who are directly impacted have the platform to speak their own truth and organize their power.
  • As we work to reduce pesticide use, people are treated with respect and patience, especially when asked to change their views and behaviors.
  • Reaching long-term ecological balance and harmony between people, planet and profit takes ingenuity and persistence. As sure as nature changes, so must our approach.
  • A culture of inclusion is most effective when staff understand the value of one another and affected communities.
  • To achieve greater structural change, we must work together with gentleness and grace while also not being afraid to respectfully challenge one another.
  • Our diverse strengths and individual contributions are integral to achieving our overall vision and mission.

Partnership: Build Trust and Momentum for Movement Change

  • The strength of our impact is closely tied to the strength of our diverse partnerships.
  • Achieving just and equitable results require mutually respectful engagement. 
  • Creating safe spaces to engage in honest conversations is of paramount importance. 
  • In order to address and overcome environmental injustices we must act in solidarity.
  • Establishing lasting and impactful relationships requires continuous commitment, transparency and accountability.

Last updated: 11/16/2020

Commitment to Equity

[Declaración Sobre Equidad - Leer en Español Aquí]

NCAP values equity, diversity and inclusion within our organization and with our partners to further our mission. We seek to understand and address historical and current patterns of oppression and racism within our organization and in how we do our work. We continually strive to build NCAP as an equitable, antiracist and multicultural organization where differences are seen as assets.

NCAP staff reside on the stolen and occupied ancestral homelands of the Chehalis, Kalapuya, Molalla, Northern Paiute, Shoshone-Bannock, Tenino and Wasco Peoples. We acknowledge the brutal and endless atrocities, including forced removal, experienced by Native peoples in our region and recognize that traditional ecological knowledge and the inherent rights of nature are a guiding force to our work.

In order to protect community and environmental health, we must oppose systemic racism. Black Lives Matter.

Leadership Values

These leadership values (“I CARE) motivate us:

  • Integrity: We actively encourage all staff (plus board, volunteers, donors, partners, community members, etc.) to speak up ASAP when there is an issue, in order to proactively tackle issues head-on even when they might be controversial.
  • Compassion: We create safe spaces for staff and volunteers to engage in honest, and sometimes emotional and difficult, conversations. NCAP values the whole wellbeing and mental health of its employees and provides support in the form of work flexibility, time off for vacation and mental health days, and more.
  • Accountability: We distribute power among all staff and focus on collaborating and collective decision making. We have clear lines of accountability in our work and actions.
  • Respect: When conflict or other issues arise, we have skills and processes to support us in communicating directly with the parties involved, for an honest, transparent, kind and thoughtful problem-solving process and resolution.
  • Excellence: Every person has unique and valuable skills and experiences that they bring to the organization; every employee is equally important and valued, and we strive for equitable compensation and benefits across all staff.