Announcing Our New Distributed Leadership Structure!
You’ve seen updates from us over the past several months about NCAP’s leadership journey—and now, to kick off 2023, our staff and board are thrilled to announce our new leadership model! We are using a distributed leadership model made up of a collaborative team of staff, with support and oversight from our board of directors. Staff have been successfully using pieces of this model for the past 6+ months, and the board has officially adopted this as our organization’s leadership model going forward.
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Hispanic Heritage Month
(By Tommy Díaz, Healthy People & Communities Program Manager)
Mes de la Herencia Hispana: Adaptándonos a las Necesidades de la Comunidad Latina
Celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana reconociendo a esta cultura y sus enormes contribuciones a nuestra historia y forma de vida. Las personas hispanas han hecho de estas tierras su hogar por siglos y son parte vital del constante intercambio cultural que ha formado a esta nación. En NCAP hemos hecho avances en diversificar nuestras filas y las comunidades que servimos, a pesar de haber sido una organización que históricamente ha sido manejada por y ha servido a la gente blanca.
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Rachel Carson's Other Anthem
The movement’s silence about the other part of her life
(By Bobbie Peyton, Fundraising Manager)
Today is the 60th anniversary of Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring, a sobering exposé about chemical pesticides' assault on nature. Its publication eventually forced the banning of DDT and helped catalyze the modern environmental movement as well as challenging our civilization's narrow views of nature and humans' blindness to our interconnected ecosystem.
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Field Notes from Idaho
(By Christina Stucker-Gassi & NCAP's Habitat Team)
This month our habitat team spent time in the field in Boise and Fort Hall, Idaho, and we wanted to share a few highlights.
We hosted a plant walk in Boise at the Chief Eagle Eye Reserve and then had a tour of the Waterwise Garden at the Idaho Botanical Gardens (IBG) nearby. Daniel Savery, IBG's collection curator, shared with our group the story of how the waterwise garden was created to commemorate the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. We discussed how indigenous people are referred to in the past tense on signage in the garden, playing into a myth of erasure despite the fact that Tribes are active and thriving today. Katie Peterson, IBG's Education Director shared preliminary efforts to do an overhaul of the interpretive signs for this area of the garden which should include consulting with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. NCAP is a Lunaria Grant Program recipient through the Idaho Botanical Gardens, and appreciates their willingness to support efforts to have cross-cultural community wide conversations about the intersection of native plant conservation and Tribal stewardship.
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Latinx Landscape Network Takes Shape & Grows in Numbers
(By Tommy Diaz, Healthy People & Communities Program Manager)
The Latinx Landscape Network is beginning to take form as more landscapers join our events. We are grateful to have hosted a wonderfully planned workshop on Friday, June 10th. Our partners connected with the attendees and established a comfortable space for conversation and idea sharing. Latine landscapers braved the downpour and heavy Friday traffic, making their way to Clackamas Community College’s Environmental Learning Center to learn and share with their community. We discussed sustainable weed and pest control practices, vegetative structures (like rain gardens and bioswales) and obtaining the Oregon EcoBiz certification.
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