Sign Our Thank You Card


Update (September 5, 2019): The restriction is finalized! Thank you for your interest in signing the card, but we have closed signatures. All signatures and comments have been sent in a card to Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Seattle Takes Bold Steps to Restrict the Use of Glyphosate

NCAP is excited to share some inspiring news! The City of Seattle is reconsidering its classification of the chemical glyphosate, commonly found in Roundup, as a highly restricted product. It may soon only be used on City property under strict control and as a last resort.

We thank Seattle for taking bold steps to strengthen their commitment to public, environmental and employee health. As technical advisors of the City of Seattle’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Interdepartmental Team (IDT), NCAP is providing technical assistance during the decision process and is thrilled with the result. The administration will direct an update of the Integrated Pest Management program to review all pesticide products. They will use the reduced risk model to protect people and the environment.

Over the past decade, NCAP has partnered with cities on a number of projects, including guides for parks departments for non-herbicidal landscaping techniques and an online web portal for professionals. Staff joined Seattle's IPM IDT in 2017 in support of the process to update the City’s IPM program, which includes their list of approved pesticides for landscape use. Seattle is responding to new studies and concerns from the community related to glyphosate.

A Leader in Sustainability

Seattle has been a leader in sustainability issues and reducing pesticides. In 2015 after public organizing, they passed a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides on city property and have spent decades on meaningful pesticide reduction plans. Using IPM at Seattle Parks and Recreation has resulted in an estimated 80% drop in labor hours associated with pesticide applications since the 1980s and dramatically reduced pesticide use [1].

With a population of approximately 730,000, Seattle is joining other progressive cities around the country working to ensure their use of pesticides is kept to a minimum. Partnering with communities such as San Francisco and Portland, Seattle will continue to be part of a larger movement to support a healthy environment that is safe for wildlife, employees, and the public.

Spreading the Impact

Our hope is that other cities take the same steps to reduce exposure as well as schools, daycares and other pesticide users. The Seattle School District just announced a “halt” on glyphosate use. A statement from September announced on their website: “It has come to our attention that some district ground crews have used Roundup which contains glyphosate a potential carcinogenic. We have halted our use of this product. We will review grounds maintenance practices to ensure we follow policy and procedure.” [2] We will continue to monitor glyphosate use at Seattle public schools.

Further, we will continue to encourage stewardship among homeowners and renters. According to a 2014 report by Washington’s Department of Agriculture, more than half of surveyed residents in King County apply pesticides to their property, and glyphosate was the most common herbicide used [3]. We hope Seattle's action and awareness leads to better stewardship by all residents and that community members seek out alternatives to pesticides, especially where children live, learn and play.

Washington Department of Agriculture Study, 2014.

Sign our virtual card:

Thank You, Seattle, for showing bold leadership in restricting glyphosate use and your work to prioritize people over pesticides.

215 signatures

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Showing 193 reactions

  • Diane Emerson
    signed 2019-08-28 19:14:13 -0700
    Thank you for leading the way. I hope King County follows your lead!
  • Richard Crerie
    signed 2019-08-28 19:09:16 -0700
  • E Ellis
    signed 2019-08-28 18:33:46 -0700
  • Elise Arseneau
    signed 2019-08-28 18:33:19 -0700
  • Nancy Lyles
    signed 2019-08-28 18:33:03 -0700
  • Megan Roberts
    signed 2019-08-28 18:15:45 -0700
    Thank you, Seattle! What a great precedent you are setting! None too soon!
  • Cynthia Coconato
    signed 2019-08-28 18:00:09 -0700
  • Judy Faulk
    signed 2019-08-28 17:51:44 -0700
  • Katherine Schultz
    signed 2019-08-28 17:24:02 -0700
    Katherine Schultz
  • Susan Nolte
    signed 2019-08-28 17:20:59 -0700
    I hope this idea spreads.
  • Janna Stephens
    signed 2019-08-28 17:17:38 -0700
    Thank you Seattle, for doing the right thing.
  • Diana Lewis
    signed 2019-08-28 17:11:39 -0700
    awesome thank you
  • Diane Watkins
    signed 2019-08-28 17:10:03 -0700
  • Robert Nufer
    signed 2019-08-28 16:29:23 -0700
    Thank you for helping lead the way in protecting your citizens and the future of the world.
  • Cindy Damm
    signed 2019-08-28 16:16:25 -0700
    Thank you for recognizing the dangers of glyphosate and taking measures to protect our environment! It takes courage to stand up to the chemical industry!
  • Sheila Klest
    signed 2019-08-28 16:14:18 -0700
    Sheila Klest
  • Kim McReavy
    signed 2019-08-28 16:09:44 -0700
  • Ken Schefter
    signed 2019-08-28 16:09:10 -0700
  • George Penk
    signed 2019-08-28 16:03:16 -0700
    Thank you for you leadership. Maybe Portland will be able to follow suit!
  • Gwen Davies
    signed 2019-08-28 16:01:18 -0700
    Thank you for doing this step. I want to see a complete ban on Round Up and all pesticides and herbicides that have any harm for humans and for pollinators!! Protecting pollinators is mandatory!!! WE MUST PROTECT POLLINATORS IF WE WANT TO HAVE AN INTACT WEB OF LIFE. Please, Seattle and all of Washington: keep leading! I live in Ashland OR and we need to encourage and support each other and prioritize climate change actions. Otherwise we will not survive. The Amazon is burning, and the ice is melting all over the world. We may not make it. THE TIME FOR ACTION IS NOW! Thank you and keep going.
  • Jim Andersen
    signed 2019-08-28 15:57:28 -0700
    Jim Andersen grounds manager at Willamette University in Salem Oregon. Thank you for taking the step forward in trying to make our home (Earth) safer!
  • Susan Deemer
    signed 2019-08-28 15:56:36 -0700
  • Jenny Goodnough
    signed 2019-08-28 15:52:21 -0700
  • Stacie Hall
    signed 2019-08-28 15:44:51 -0700
    Congratulations for putting people, animals, and the environment before pesticides!
  • Pam Keeley
    signed 2019-08-23 18:36:37 -0700
  • Joshua Morris
    signed 2019-08-16 11:25:41 -0700
    Thank you, Seattle!
  • Maralee Cross
    signed 2019-04-19 14:41:08 -0700
    So proud of You, Seattle
  • Jen Davis
    signed via 2019-04-13 22:08:11 -0700
    Congratulations for this wise move to protect Seattle pets, pollinators, birds, earthworms, soil microbes and of course, humans.
  • Jana Larsen
    signed via 2019-04-13 08:02:12 -0700
  • Christine Gardiner
    signed 2019-04-12 16:37:07 -0700
    Please teach what you have learned to other cities.