A Perfect Pairing

Perched on a hill in Dundee, Oregon, Cameron Winery provided spectacular views of the valley for NCAP’s recent Dinner in the Vineyard event. Guests shared a gorgeous summer evening of wine, food and stories with their vintner hosts John Paul and Teri Wadsworth. Continue reading

Supporting Sustainable Agriculture Producers

This month, the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) held a summer meeting on August 7-10 in Orono, ME. NSAC advocates for federal policy reform for the sustainability of food systems, natural resources, and rural communities. NCAP partners with NSAC to advocate for policies and programs that promote agricultural practices to conserve our soil, water, wildlife habitat, and energy resources. Continue reading

Stronger Implementation

NCAP Successfully Opposes Efforts to Weaken Oregon’s Aerial Spraying Rules (By Sharon Selvaggio and Megan Dunn)  In June 2016, Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) finalized rules addressing aerial pesticide spraying. NCAP’s involvement helped to ensure the rule reflects the values of Oregonians and helps to safeguard the health of their communities. The final rule OAR 603-057-0108 reflected NCAP’s comments, and will help ensure that spray operators are held to high standards in the law addressing training prior to being issued an aerial pesticide applicator’s certificate.  Continue reading

Video Series: All-Seasons Approach to Monitoring and Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila
In English & Spanish

Widen your focus to include proactive approaches for managing spotted wing drosophila throughout the year! View the following videos taken from a webinar hosted by NCAP on April 12, 2016. Continue reading

Wilsonville Bee Stewards Project

In 2013, the shocking death of an estimated 50,000 bumblebees in the parking lot of a Wilsonville, Oregon shopping center catalyzed a worldwide conversation about bee health and pesticides. The cause? Those bees visited trees treated with pesticides. The incident, with photos of bees littering the asphalt, became national news and was featured on the cover of Time magazine, in the LA Times and in The Huffington Post bringing the previously arcane topic of neonicotinoid insecticides into millions of American households. Continue reading