Lamprey: Culture, Medicine and Subsistence
(By Sky Ramirez-Doble, Research and Development Intern)
"The Creator told the people that the eels would always return as long as the people took care of them, but if the people failed to take care of them, they would disappear." —Ron Suppah, Vice Chair, Warm Springs Tribes
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Companion Planting with the Three Sisters
(By Gina Gervase, Communications Assistant)
The air is crisp, the trees ignite in buoyant shades of yellow, and the evenings suddenly seem longer. It is fall in the Pacific Northwest. Our gardens have started to slow but some vegetables are just making their entrance. In a field of green, bright pops of orange are found underfoot. Squash, one of the Three Sisters, is ready to harvest.
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Climate Change, Severe Weather and Toxic Exposure
(By Megan Dunn, Healthy People and Communities Program Director)
“When you see severe environmental strains of one sort or another on cultures, on civilizations, on nations, the byproducts of that are unpredictable and can be very dangerous. If the current projections, the current trend lines on a warming planet continue, it is certainly going to be enormously disruptive worldwide.” –President Barack Obama
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Protect the Waters of the United States
Waters of the United States are under attack! EPA is considering rescinding protections for clean water. Removing the rule would put drinking water, rivers and wildlife at risk. The EPA comment period closes at the end of the day on Wednesday September 27. Read the letter we submitted in opposition to the action below.
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Rachel Carson Award Winners 2017
NCAP is pleased to announce our Rachel Carson Award Winners for 2017!
NCAP’s Rachel Carson award highlights efforts to reduce and eliminate pesticides in ways that protect community and environmental health. Join us in honoring these amazing individuals at our Healthy Harvest Celebration on October 7th in Eugene! We will also have a house party in Seattle this fall to honor our Washington awardees.
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