The Continuing Saga of Salmon & Pesticides

For more than 15 years NCAP has been working to protect salmon from pesticides. And while we've had victories along the way, we've also had some major setbacks. Under the current administration, it’s about as bad as it’s ever been. NCAP’s goal has not changed. We want the federal government to make policy decisions that actually protect salmon from pesticide use, not put them at risk. But our government is undermining that goal. We need your help now more than ever! Read on to see what you can do to help. Continue reading

Washington State Passes Workgroup Bill to Protect Farm Workers

(By Megan Dunn, Healthy People and Communities Program Director) NCAP is excited to announce the passage of a Washington state bill (E2SSB 6529) to examine pesticide application safety and drift. Agricultural workers and surrounding community members should be protected from pesticide exposure and notified of pesticide applications before they occur. The passage of this bill is a positive step in that direction. Continue reading

Lasagna Mulch (aka Sheet Composting)

(By Gina Gervase, Communications Assistant) Maybe your traditional lasagna recipe doesn’t call for coffee grounds, blood meal, sawdust, or pine needles, but we promise our recipe for “lasagna” mulch will make your garden very happy. Similar to the layering of noodles, sauce, vegetables, and cheese, lasagna mulching is built with layers of soil nutrients. Continue reading

Lawn Care: What's In and What's Out

(By Gina Gervase, Communications Assistant) A verdant, lush lawn has become an American standard, but the conventional approach to maintaining these lawns can involve some environmentally harmful practices. It’s time for this American classic to get an update and NCAP is here to help you shepherd in a new era for the front yard. Continue reading

Protect Workers and Waters from Drift

(By Megan Dunn, Healthy People & Communities Program Director) Have you ever seen a billowing cloud of pesticides wafting from a field or a plane overhead? If you live near agricultural land, it's probably a regular sight. Over 899 million pounds of pesticide (roughly $9,055 million dollars) are used at the producer level in agriculture in the U.S. every year.[1] Continue reading