Charting the Path Ahead
"The United States now enters uncharted territory, with a president-elect who has precious little political experience and is deeply distrusted by a huge portion of the American public." -Politico
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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Matter
[By Kim Leval, Executive Director, with input from Ashley Chesser, Chair, NCAP Diversity Team; Megan Dunn, Healthy People and Communities Program Director]
In honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, October 10, 2016, the Board of Directors and staff of the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides release our newly updated Equity, Diversity and Inclusion statement.
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Producer Roundtable Gathers Grower Input
On August 24th, the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides held a producer roundtable event in partnership with Purple Sage Farms in Middleton, Idaho. Attendees were representative of the food supply chain from production to consumer education and product development. Of all attendees, 60% were producers and 40% worked in other areas of the food supply chain.
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Rachel Carson Award Winners 2016
NCAP is excited to present the Rachel Carson Award to the following individuals for each of our program areas at the 2016 Healthy Harvest Celebration on September 30.
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Back to School: Join the Call to Protect Students
(By Megan Dunn, Healthy People and Communities Program Director)
Across the country over 50 million kids are heading back to school–and they need you to advocate for healthy standards!
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