F.E.A.S.T. / NCAP Food Handler’s Certification Program
During the FEAST food assistance project event on March 9th, 2024 in Morrow county, eastern OR, participants requested support and assistance obtaining their food handlers card. The project was carried out October 18th in Boardman.
On October 18th Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides along with Morrow Health Department led a work session where participants could prepare for and take the food handler’s test in Spanish. The group was able to study, practice, and better understand the concepts and importance of food hygiene. The Morrow County Health Department assisted by not only informing the participants on the value of having a food handlers card and the importance of food safety, but they also provided free covid tests, first aid materials and other printed health resources. The event was successful and 8 participants were able to obtain their food handler’s card.
"We had been wanting to apply for the FHC card for years but we had never found the support of an organization or person to help us study and prepare for this exam. It was very difficult but we did it. Thank you NCAP, through the F.E.A.S.T project, we can now take better care of food and our family."
"Habíamos querido solicitar esta tarjeta FHC durante años pero nunca habíamos encontrado el apoyo de una organización ó persona que nos ayudará a estudiar y prepararnos para este exámen. Fué muy difícil pero lo logramos. Gracias a NCAP, a través de este proyecto F.E.A.S.T, ahora podemos cuidar mejor de la alimentación y de nuestra familia."
This event is a follow up from the FEAST program led by NCAP in March of this year. FEAST is a program designed to establish the creation of food security programs in Morrow county. This workshop was one of many real solutions decided on by attendees and community organizations to improve access to healthy foods and education in the region. Click here to read more about FEAST.
NCAP hopes to continue to be able to provide vital and requested assistance like these for communities in need, especially as it relates to pesticide awareness, pesticide alternatives, workers rights, food access, water contamination, environmental conservation and education, and much more. If you would like to support these efforts you can donate here. Thank you for supporting NCAP so that we can make a difference in the community!
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