What would happen if bees ceased to exist? It's a question our Business League supporter, GloryBee, asks you to consider. GloryBee started in the family garage of Dick and Pat Turanski in 1975. In the Pacific Northwest, they've been supplying honey and other quality ingredients to natural food manufacturers, bakeries and markets for over forty years. As a certified B Corporation, they are demonstrating their honest progress towards the goal of being a leader in sustainability and healthy living. They're also on a mission to #SavetheBee and supply tips and strategies on how to help in their Save the Bee blog.
Below is an excerpt from a recent post. Check it out!
When you see a small, striped, stinging creature making its way from flower to flower, you might be inclined to cry out in fear. If you’re allergic or entomophobic, it’s understandable why you’d react this way. But even if you’re not particularly fond of the humble honey bee, it’s important to realize just how important these insects actually are to our own survival.
While a productive beehive can produce and store nearly two pounds of honey in just a single day, these little guys represent so much more than just the sweet stuff. In fact, you can thank bees for one out of every three bites of food you consume. With bee populations becoming more scarce, the implications for us humans are actually astronomical. By taking action to save the bees now, we’re actually making a pledge to save ourselves.
But taking on that responsibility can seem daunting. Where can we even begin? In many cases, the best place to start might be right in your own backyard. Whether you’ve got a naturally green thumb or you simply want to make good use of your garden, there are plenty of ways to help your local bees thrive without ever leaving your home.