Friday, February 14, 2020 at the College of Idaho in Caldwell
The Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticide is committed to bringing our annual conference to farmers in Idaho who support our mission of protecting community and environmental health through the use of ecologically sound solutions to reduce the use of pesticides. This event encourages farmer-to-farmer exchange and helps strengthen the organic, sustainable, and regenerative farming community in Idaho.
This year we are teaming up with Ada Soil and Water Conservation District to host our annual farming conference. Early bird registration is $50, and increases to $60 on January 24.
What you can expect on the day of the event:
We will gather together in the morning at the College of Idaho in Caldwell for a key-note address by molecular biologist Dr. David Johnson and his wife Hui-Chen Su about their cutting edge regenerative soil work. You will then be able to choose from various sessions happing concurrently throughout the day. Our sessions are listed below, and you can see the full schedule here. Lunch is included in your registration, with featured local ingredients. Before you journey home, plan to come together once again during a casual social hour.
NCAP has a limited amount of conference scholarships available; to learn more about scholarships, contact Christina Stucker-Gassi at [email protected] or 541-344-5044, ext. 33.
Click to Register
Conference Schedule:
8:30-9:00 Check In
9:00-9:45 Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Johnson
10:00-11:00 Session 1: Are You Doing On-Farm Research?
Whether the answer is yes or no, this session is for you. You will learn about funding opportunities, innovative on-farm research happening around the state, and get inspired to pursue answers to important questions!
11:15-12:15 Session 2: What Can You Do About the Insect Apocalypse?
The world of insects is in trouble. Populations of bees, beetles, butterflies, and other invertebrates are in decline worldwide. Come to this session to brush up on your bug identification skills and get familiar with Idaho specific resources for conserving or restoring habitat on your farm.
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Session 3: What Can Be Better Than Organic?
What is being done to ensure the organic industry lives up to the standards of its founders? Come get a glimpse into several initiatives that claim to be raising the bar. Learn what sets them apart from mainstream organic and what it takes meet their standards.
2:45-3:45 Session 4: Is the Legacy of Your Farm Secured?
What will become of the land you’re farming in the future? Will it stay in agricultural production? Who is going to run it? Whether you have a plan laid out or are starting your plans from scratch, in this session, experts that deal with succession and farmers will share their knowledge and experience with you.
3:45-5:00 Informal Networking and Happy Hour
Thank you to our conference partners and sponsors:
- February 14, 2020 at 9:00am – 5pm
College of Idaho
2112 Cleveland Blvd
Caldwell, ID 83605
United States
Google map and directions
$50.00 USD