A How-To Workshop for Organic Gardens and Landscapes
Saturday, April 21, 2018 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Happy Valley Library
13793 SE Sieben Park Way, Happy Valley, OR 97015
Longing for a beautiful yard but concerned about using toxic chemicals as a quick fix? Join us on Earth Day and learn to manage your home landscape using ecologically-sensitive techniques. Topics will include:
- Principles to promote healthy soil and healthy plants
- Organic management techniques for lawns, landscape beds, and vegetables/fruits
- Why pesticides are not the easy answer we crave
- Organic approaches to difficult issues, such as azalea lace bugs, slugs, aphids in trees, rose black spot, spotted wing drosophila, and other common challenges
This interactive workshop will also feature demonstrations, pest management scenarios to work on in small teams, and an introduction to new resources under development for home pest management.
Free! Pre-register to reserve your spot now.
Residents of Clackamas, Sunnyside, Happy Valley, and Milwaukie have priority.
Weston Miller serves as Community and Urban Horticulturist for OSU Extension Service. Since 2007, he has managed the popular Master Gardener™ program in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties to provide research-based horticulture and pest management information to the community. He provides leadership for Solve Pest Problems: the Oregon IPM website to make reliable pesticide risk reduction information available to audiences currently underserved by OSU's educational outreach. In his free time, Weston enjoys skiing, gardening and hiking with his family.
Sharon Selvaggio is the Healthy Wildlife and Water Program Director for NCAP, a nonprofit dedicated to ecologically sound alternatives to pesticides. She studies pesticide risk to water and wildlife and serves on EPA’s Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee, a federal advisory group. She has collaborated previously with Oregon State University Extension and others to provide alternatives workshops for professional landscapers and for commercial growers in the nursery and berry sectors. She has battled many a slug in her time!
This workshop sponsored by:
- April 21, 2018 at 10:30am – 1pm
Happy Valley Library
13793 SE Sieben Park Way
Happy Valley, OR 97015
United States
Google map and directions - 13 people are going