I found a bee hive on my property. What should I do?

Instead of killing bees from a bothersome hive, removal might be a great option for you. NCAP does not work directly with any bee removal companies, but a good resource to check is Bee Removal Source. They have an extensive list of resources organized by state. It's also helpful to identify the type of bee before contacting a bee removal company. Check our Bees & Wasps page to help with identification and other options for removing hives.

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  • Mlkjr
    commented 2021-04-30 13:16:52 -0700
    Here are some ways to attract Amphibians in your garden. As we hate pesticides we dont recommend using them.
  • Meme Lady
    commented 2021-04-15 15:10:22 -0700
    Check out some funny bee pick up lines to enlighten your day.
  • Meme Lady
    commented 2021-04-15 15:08:34 -0700
    Well, it is very important to identify bee and wasp as hornet’s could be more lethal check the website below about visible differences between bee and wasp
  • wolverine and badger
    commented 2020-05-15 05:19:41 -0700
    that becomes dangerous when you bee removal itself. before you are done with this visit that source: https://animalcreativefacts.com/honey-badger-vs-wolverine/
  • Krys Willis
    commented 2020-05-04 08:43:08 -0700
    Live bee removal is always best. However very dangerous, call a professional to help! http://beesrgone.com
  • Dimple Jain
    commented 2020-02-17 02:16:08 -0800
    Check with your local ordinances before attempting to capture wild bees.
  • Shane Jenkins
    commented 2019-03-14 12:51:58 -0700
    Yes, honey bees are facing extinction. Please contact your local bee removal company. We service the Denver Metro Area and you can contact us if you have any questions. http://denverwaspandbeecontrol.com
  • Zayaan Karbelkar
    commented 2018-01-02 05:07:38 -0800
    I found a beehive in my washing line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am freaking out.
  • Justin Forrest
    commented 2017-01-27 13:10:44 -0800
    Bee removal source is a great resource! I’ve used the guys at http://beeseriousfl.com/ and they know their bees. Bee hives can contain any number of species of bees. It’s up to you to consider the safety of yourself, as well as the safety of your family, pets, and neighbors.
  • Ecobee Removal
    commented 2016-03-09 04:30:43 -0800
    You need to know the type of bee it is, if not then be away from them as they might bite you. Do not process yourself to kill them. Contact the Beeremoval person to remove the bees and you may contact to http://ecobeeremoval.com